We spent Day 3 at Victoria Falls.
No picture ever taken could possibly do this place justice.
These are cell phone towers. Both in Zambia and in South Africa, cell phone towers are disguised as different types of tree....very creative, maybe we need some!
These baboons were inside the park at Vic Falls. They would walk right by us and not even notice we were there.
Except for this guy. After taking his picture and continuing our walk to exit the park, he decided he liked me and followed me to the exit gate. Talk about cool and scary all at the same time.
This is the Zambian side of Vic Falls. Unfortunately we were there during the dry season. Normally the entire ridge is covered with Zambezi River which is the river that creates the falls.
This is shows the Zim side of the falls which was flowing.
The rainbows created by the falls
Victoria Falls
The mist is called "the smoke that thunders"
And this is Devil's Cataract. There is a small pool out there that sits on the edge of the falls. To get there you have to walk across the river holding onto a rope. None of us were brave enough to go out there, so we just watched and soaked our feet in the Zambezi River.
The group back at the Royal Livingston Hotel
This monkey was not afraid of us or anyone else for that matter. He jumped right up on their table and stole the fruit out of their drinks.
The river. If you look close enough you can see the mist from the falls
And, of course, another amazing sunset.