Saturday, February 14, 2009

Zack turns 2

I remember thinking that I couldn't wait till Zacky turned 2. In November he did and I cried that morning when I woke up. I couldn't believe that my Little Zacky was now just Zack. I tried calling him Zacky but he said to me, "no Zacky just Zack." It was as if he knew that he was now a big boy. Zack loves firetrucks so Craig and I decided that we would throw him a birthday party at the fire station we volunteer at.

He loved the outfit we got him.

Even the adults got candy!

After the party we went to see Papa Guy at his house. Papa Guy was sick and wanted to see Zack play the new set of drums he got.

My beautiful niece Maddie.

Jayme and Taylor-my other beautiful niece.

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Capturing your precious moments....
all images copyright protected by Amanda Holt

About Me

My name is Amanda and I love taking pictures of people. It has been a passion for quite some time. I am the mother of two precious kids and I understand how important it is to capture all the moments there are in life.

