Saturday, February 14, 2009

Steph's Horse Show

Meet Steph and Dante again. Steph invited me and my kids to one of her horse shows. While I had a blast photographing her and Dante, I also got in trouble for using my external flash...LOL! It was worth it though. This was the kids first horse show to attend and I believe I can say that they enjoined it as much as I did.

Her love for Dante is amazing!

She did a great job.
As you may be able to tell I love pictures like these.

Jayme and Zack loved it there.

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Capturing your precious moments....
all images copyright protected by Amanda Holt

About Me

My name is Amanda and I love taking pictures of people. It has been a passion for quite some time. I am the mother of two precious kids and I understand how important it is to capture all the moments there are in life.

